2007. július 24., kedd

One Day at the End of the World

I bougth a self phone today. It's a Sony-Erricsson Z310i model, nearly pink, rather cherry-like. I will love it, but now it is a little bit strange. It's not at all similar to my other phone. I have already sent my first sms with it. Guess to whom :P

We bought some vaccine today too. I will got an injection on Friday. Looking forward to it :(

I nearly bought a bag for my laptop too. But they were not my cup of tea, so this shopping will be for another day.

I got nothing to do today. Really nothing. It is boring after a while. I am tired.

1 megjegyzés:

Anett_ írta...

hup-hup enis ilyen telcsit akarok :) csak feketet, de vodanal nincsen :/ szoval hasznald egeszseggel, szentem tokjo telcsiii!